
Horror is wel echt mijn ding. Daarom ook heb ik een abonnement op het Amerikaanse maandblad Fangoria. Meer nog: ik verzamel oude nummers van dit bloederig magazine.
5 zoekresultaten gevonden met "Children of the Corn":
Fangoria#35 p.42 Stephen King's Children of the Corn
The new regime at New World Pictures tackles its first horror film.
Fangoria#60 p.46 She's No Second Banana
Rising scream queen Linda Hamilton survives her battles with "Children of the Corn" and "The Terminator" to discover that "King Kong Lives!"
Fangoria#143 p.34 Tales of Screaming Madness
When FX artist Screaming Mad George gets his hands on a project, the result is bound to be bizarre.
Fangoria#148 p.32 Children of the Corn III
Fangoria#300 p.22 Children of the Corn